Our team
The Golf Tech team is at your disposal!

Thomas Reiter
Managing Director Golf Tech Austria
@: reiter@golftech.at

Sonja Köll
Corporate Business & Deputy CEO Managing Director
@: koell@golftech.at

Elisabeth Chalupa
Assistant to the management
Head office

Simone Weingart
Customer Service & Key Account Manager
@: weingart@golftech.at

Gerhard Rainer
Customer Service Space equipment
@: rainer@golftech.at
Sophie Danzinger
Customer Service & Complaints
@: danzinger@golftech.at

Sabrina Hofer
Isabella Colloredo-Mansfeld
Marketing Manager
@: colloredo-mansfeld@golftech.at
Nikita Smirnov
Junior Marketing Manager
@: smirnov@golftech.at

Caroline Rimnac
Marketing Manager
@: c.rimnac@golftech.at
Tim Norburn
Marketing & Product Development
@: t.norburn@golftech.at

Michaela Tannich
Head of Accounting
@: tannich@golftech.at

Gabriele Neimer
@: neimer@golftech.at

Sandra Simsa
Accounts receivable
@: simsa@golftech.at

Marija Acimovic
(currently on maternity leave)
Nune Harutyunyan
@: harutyunyan@golftech.at
Warehouse & Repair

Anton Wegleitner
Warehouse management
@: lager@golftech.at

Markus Prinz
Warehouse employee
@: lager@golftech.at

Peter Uitz
Warehouse employee
@: lager@golftech.at

Roland Wehdorn
Repair trolleys
@: office@golftech.at

Thomas Heiling
Repair Machines&Carts
@: t.heiling@gmx.at
Field Service Space Equipment Germany

Claus Trinkel
Area Manager South/West
@: trinkel@golftech.de
M: +49 171 77 00 622

Rudi Gering
Sale E-Z-GO South
@: gering@golftech.de
M: +49 172 85 37 062

Johannes Groothuizen
Area Manager West
@: groothuizen@golftech.de
M: +49 175 52 33 390

Frank Kratz
Area Manager Central/East
@: kratz@golftech.de
M: +49 176 10 32 72 07

Thomas Struckmeyer
Area Manager North
@: struckmeyer@golftech.de
M: +49 175 56 69 424
Proshop Germany sales force

Markus Heessel
Key Account Manager Europe
@: heessel@golftech.de
M: +49 171 175 2597

Rigobert Gruber
Proshop North
M: +49 171 600 94 49

Andreas Naumann
Proshop West
@: naumann.a@t-online.de
M: +49 176 314 93 858

Volker Wegener
Proshop West
@: wegenerv@arcor.de
M: +49 177 706 18 80

Daniel Schulz
Proshop South-East/Bavaria
@: schulz@golftech.de
M: +49 160 459 09 05
Proshop Austria sales force
Golf Course Equipment Austria/Switzerland

Matthias Geppel
South/West pitch layout
@: geppel@golftech.de
M: +43 664 830 80 51

Franz Amstätter
North/east seating
@: amstaetter@golftech.de
M: +43 664 355 65 20

Jürgen Suter
Seat equipment Switzerland
@: juerg.suter@gemac.ch
T: +41 41 920 10 20