Golf clubs in Austria and Germany are upgrading
environmentally friendly, efficient and whisper-quiet
E-Z-GO ELiTE golf cart fleet!
Environmental protection, sustainability, reduction of CO2 emissions – these are just some of the keywords that have become increasingly important and essential for some time now, influencing the way we think and act. A change has also been noticeable in the golf industry for some time now. Many golf clubs in Austria and Germany, such as Golfclub Wien, Golfclub Linz Luftenberg (AT) and GC Ruhpolding (DE), are converting their golf cart fleets to the environmentally friendly E-Z-GO ELiTE golf carts. These are powered by long-lasting lithium-ion batteries from Samsung, which protects the environment and the lawn on the one hand and reduces energy costs on the other.
We are proud to be part of this new movement and to be able to make our contribution.

E-Z-GO ELiTE Carts
Further information about the drive, the effects and the available vehicles can be found here: